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Embracing the Trust Economy: The Landscape for Accounting Firm Marketing in 2025

January 29, 2025
Janel Sykora

Lead generation. The age old topic for businesses of all types. As firms have evolved to sell their expertise in the form of various advisory services, so must their lead generation strategies.

We are quickly moving from an attention economy, where visibility reigns supreme, to a trust economy, where trust is the new currency. 

For accounting firms, this shift represents both a challenge and an opportunity to redefine how you attract and retain clients.

The Challenge: Navigating the Digital Noise

Today's digital landscape is saturated with AI-generated content, from social media buzz about tax write-offs (like the “influencer” telling his followers how he wrote off his G Wagon) to the overwhelming presence of over 52,000 CPA firms and 88,000 accounting services firms in the U.S. alone. In this red ocean of competition, traditional marketing methods - where accountants have relied on the necessity of their services like tax returns and bookkeeping - are losing their effectiveness. These services are often viewed as commodities, and marketing them as such has become not only unprofitable but also exhausting.

The Opportunity: Selling Expertise, Not Commodities

The good news? You don’t have to sell a commodity. Your greatest assets are your expertise and strategic insight, which can drive tangible results for small business owners through tailored tax strategies and advisory services. The challenge is transforming these assets into the cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

Understanding Lead Generation in the Trust Economy

Businessman analyzing financial data on a tablet, focused on charts and graphs for informed decision-making.

Lead generation in 2025 is not just about grabbing attention but about building trust through thoughtful engagement across various activities.

Blair Enns describes the 3 rungs of the Lead Generation Ladder in his book about the new model for selling expertise (The Four Conversations):

  • Sales Activities: These include direct outreach and trade shows, which may capture attention but often score low on trust.
  • Marketing Activities: Techniques such as email campaigns and selective social media engagement start to build trust by providing value upfront. While paid advertising and SEO campaigns are also marketing activities, they tend to drive visibility, but again score low on trust.
  • Educating: This is the pinnacle of trust-building. Regular blogging, article writing, speaking engagements, videos, and podcasts allow you to establish yourself as the go-to expert. By the time prospects meet you, they feel they already know and trust you.

I would argue that there is value in sales and marketing activities that drive attention, but you must determine the best balance of activities in order to drive the growth you want over time. Getting to the top rung doesn’t happen overnight, but it will be where you find the most qualified leads.

For example, many firms come to us wanting to run ads. “I just need to grow my business by $X in X timeframe.”

But, it’s a bigger conversation than that. Ads will drive leads, but they don’t know you or trust you yet. Wouldn’t it be a better use of your time to speak with fewer but more qualified leads? That is what happens at the top rung of the ladder, and it is why there must be a strategy and intention around the activities on the Educating rung of the ladder if you expect to see predictable, sustainable growth long term with clients who respect and value your expertise.

So, how do you strike the right balance in the meantime?

Lean into AI to Help With Marketing and Administrative Functions

A person focused on typing on a laptop, with a menu displayed on the screen in a well-lit environment.

What if you could take marketing activities that drive visibility and attention and automate them? Spend little to no time on them and more of your time on the pinnacle top rung of the lead gen ladder- educating?

Instead of fearing AI, embrace it. While AI is getting better at an alarmingly fast pace to be able to handle tasks like completing tax returns and bookkeeping, it cannot replace the strategic thinking and personal relationships that set advisory firms apart. Here are a few easy ways you can leverage AI effectively:

  • CRM Automation: Use AI-powered tools like Cajabra CRM for accountants to automate sales and marketing workflows, enhancing efficiency in lead nurturing and client onboarding. 
  • Content Creation: Deploy AI to craft compelling social media posts, ad copy, email newsletters, and even video scripts that resonate with your audience.

Emerging technologies like voice AI and 'promptless AI' (like heyCajabra) can further personalize communication and content, allowing you to focus on high-trust activities.

The AI Employee: It’s a Thing

Imagine an AI 'employee' named George.

You just spend an hour and a half meeting with one of your best advisory clients in person. What if you could call George and tell him what you discussed with which client and how much time you spent with them? And, then George takes that information, posts your time, and uploads the meeting details to the client record? Nice, right?

And, what if you could call George on your way to work and tell him everything you need on your “to do” list? George creates it, emails or texts it to you, and helps you track progress.

Right or wrong, I’m always thinking about work in the car, and I’m pretty sure you do, too. If you live by your calendar like me, what if you could call George when you are thinking about it, and tell him to block your calendar from 2 to 4 on Friday to work on XYZ client?

The list is infinite. George is here. We have him deployed in firms already.

Finding Your Strategic Balance

Achieving a balance between sales, marketing, and educating is imperative if you want long term growth with clients you define as ideal. There's no one-size-fits-all approach; each firm must find its optimal mix based on its target audience. However, the emphasis should always lean towards educational content. While this top rung of the lead generation ladder takes more time and effort, it attracts the best clients - those who recognize the value of your expertise and are willing to invest in it.

Don’t Kick This Can Down the Road

With the projected launch of millions of new businesses over the next five years, the urgency to adapt cannot be overstated. Many firms still rely on what I call 'referral roulette' or postpone their marketing efforts until after the tax season. These strategies are neither sustainable nor conducive to predictable growth as a trusted expert advisor.

By differentiating your firm through authenticity, building strong relationships, and leaning into modern technologies like AI, you can differentiate your firm and gain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving marketplace. The time to act is now - are you ready to capture your share of the market?

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