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7 Simple Steps to Grow your
Accounting Firm

Using Marketing to Elevate the Value of Your Brand

Janel SykoraJune 3, 2024
Marketing, per se, can mean so many different things to different people. As a career professional salesperson turned marketer and business owner, I bristle when unknowing people use the terms “marketing” and “sales” interchangeably. They are not the same thing. Salespeople are “boots on the ground.” Marketing is the bigger strategy behind what you are […]

Crafting Your Accounting Firm's Marketing Strategy: Where Do You Start?

Janel SykoraMay 20, 2024
Marketing isn't a one-size-fits-all game, especially for accounting firms. The key to success lies in understanding what you want to achieve and tailoring your strategy accordingly. Let's break it down into manageable steps, starting with the most crucial question: What's Your Goal? Before diving into the nitty-gritty of marketing tactics, take a step back and […]

How to Supercharge Your Accounting Firm's Marketing Content with AI

Janel SykoraMay 16, 2024
As an accounting firm owner, you know that marketing and client communications are critical for growing your business and retaining clients. But let's face it - writing can be time-consuming and even nauseating for many accountants. The good news is, AI tools like ChatGPT 4,  Claude 3, and Gemini are here to save the day […]

Google Business Profile: The Accountant's Secret Weapon

Janel SykoraApril 29, 2024
Think you can leave all the cool online stuff to those hip social media companies? Well, forget that! Google Business Profile (GBP) is your accounting firm's not-so-secret weapon to get noticed on the biggest search engine ever. It's kind of like that free billboard on the internet superhighway called Google. What in the world is […]

The Importance of Google Reviews: A Guide for Accountants and Financial Professionals

Janel SykoraApril 15, 2024
In an era where everyone is online, the influence of online reviews is undeniable. For individuals in the accounting and financial realm, Google Reviews are a crucial part of business growth. They play an essential role in molding your professional reputation online and improving your visibility on search engines. Let's dig into the significance of […]

Why Prioritizing Google Reviews is Critical for Your Business

Janel SykoraSeptember 22, 2023
Here are some key reasons why Google Reviews should be a top priority: Some Best Practices for Getting More Google Reviews: Key Stats on Google Reviews: When to Request Google Reviews: The best times to request a review from a customer include: Use email and SMS to make requesting reviews simple anytime you interact with […]

The Importance of Optimizing Your Google Business Profile as an Accounting Firm

Janel SykoraSeptember 21, 2023
The Google Business Profile is also something many firms often overlook. Your Google Business Profile is essentially your business card on Google - it's what shows up when potential customers search for accounting firms in your area on Google Search and Maps. Given that over 90% of online searches start on Google, your Google Business […]

Updating the Marketing Message For Your Firm- Part 1: Where To Start

Janel SykoraMay 29, 2023
When was the last time you updated your marketing message? I know- tax season has been all consuming this year, but it’s over! Once your wounds heal, and you come up for air, it's time to focus on your business. And, as we navigate how to shift from compliance to advisory work, one of the […]

Updating the Marketing Message For Your Firm- Part 2: Your Website

Janel SykoraMay 15, 2023
Having a compelling website is paramount, and it starts with a clear brand message on the home page. Mythbuster: your website is all about you. Wrong, it’s about your client. Think about the last website you saw today. Did you read the history of that company? Did you care? If you read anything at all, […]

5 Easy Ways To Market Your Firm During Tax Season (and Why You Should)

Janel SykoraApril 29, 2023
Why should you even be thinking about marketing your firm during tax season? You’re busy, exhausted, and you can’t see light at the end of the tunnel yet. There’s an elephant in the room that is soooo tempting to ignore with the pressure of tax season bearing down. That elephant has a name- it’s COMPETITION. […]

2 Big Marketing Mistakes Professional Accounting Firms Make

Janel SykoraMarch 28, 2023
Recently, I received a note from an accounting firm owner who said, “I’d like to talk to you about my marketing.” When we connected a short time later, I quickly realized that in his mind, marketing was SEO. And only SEO.  Many firms I’ve worked with invest heavily in SEO to make sure they are […]
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7 Simple Steps to Grow your
Accounting Firm
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