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Why Prioritizing Google Reviews is Critical for Your Business

September 22, 2023
Janel Sykora
Why Prioritizing Google Reviews is Critical for Your Business

Here are some key reasons why Google Reviews should be a top priority:

  • Reviews Drive Visibility - Positive online reviews, especially on Google, help boost your business’ search engine rankings. The more high-quality reviews you have, the more likely you'll show up on the first page of Google search results. This increased visibility leads to more website traffic and customers.
  • Social Proof - Reviews provide social proof that you offer a great product or service. According to BrightLocal, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. People are heavily influenced by the experiences of others. Reviews help provide that social validation.
  • Higher Conversion Rates - Consumers that read positive reviews are much more likely to make a purchase. According to a study by Vendasta, businesses with 5 or more Yelp stars saw a 250% increase in conversion rates. Getting more Google Reviews will likely lead to higher sales.
  • Improved Rankings in Local Search - Google Reviews are a key factor in determining local search rankings. The more reviews you have, the better your Google Local ranking will be, ensuring you show up for searches like "best accountant in {city}."

Some Best Practices for Getting More Google Reviews:

  • Respond to Every Review - You should make an effort to respond to each Google Review, positive or negative. Responding shows customers that you care about their feedback. For negative reviews, addressing concerns publicly can also improve brand perception.
  • Ask Customers Directly - Don’t rely on customers leaving unprompted reviews. Ask them directly through email or SMS right after providing a service. Include a link to make leaving a review simple.
  • Have a Review Request Process - Create a system for requesting reviews from customers to streamline the process. For example, send an automated email 3 days after a service asking for feedback.
  • Make it Mobile-Friendly - Optimize review requesting for mobile. Many customers will be reading and responding on their smartphones. Send review links that work seamlessly on mobile devices.
  • Follow Up After a Negative Experience - If a customer was dissatisfied, follow up to resolve the issue then request they update their review after resolution.

Key Stats on Google Reviews:

  • 72% of customers will leave a review when asked. Don't miss out on most customers willing to review your business!
  • Businesses with 5 or more Google stars get 5.7x more site traffic on average. Reviews really drive visibility!
  • Negative reviews are read on average 67% more than positive reviews. This makes properly addressing them vital.
  • It can take an average of 37 positive reviews to outweigh ONE negative review. You need a proactive strategy to get more positive reviews.

When to Request Google Reviews:

The best times to request a review from a customer include:

  • Right after a service has been completed
    • A few days after service while the experience is still fresh
    • After you have followed up about a negative experience and resolved the issue
    • Periodically to long-time loyal customers

Use email and SMS to make requesting reviews simple anytime you interact with customers.

Prioritizing Google Reviews should be at the core of your marketing strategy. 

Since online reviews are immensely influential in today's marketplace, implementing a proactive strategy to generate more Google Reviews will benefit your business. It leads to higher visibility, increased sales, improved search rankings, and builds customer trust through social proof. Firms that don't focus on getting reviews risk falling behind competitors who do.

Make getting positive Google Reviews a regular part of your customer experience and marketing approach. If you need help automating and managing Google Reviews, Cajabra offers turnkey solutions designed specifically for accounting firms. Click here to schedule a consultation and get the reviews your business deserves!

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